I just need someone to hear what's going on
Do families with Celiac buy whole spices care-free from ethnic spice stores?
Hot dogs make me sick?
I just want a gluten free saltine cracker
why is my cat bald on his neck??
How do I get my celiac wife to stop eating gluten
Hypothetically, if you was homeless/war started Would you starve or eat gluten
A boy stands with the body of his deceased brother in this 1800s tintype, discovered at a thrift store.
I need egg drop soup tips
Made this a while ago, by far the nicest cake I baked but as a non-confident home baker I would appreciate feedback
School dinners offering vegan meals most days for my coeilac child...is this right?
Hidden gluten sources?
After a bad accident, insurance denied claims for medication and I'm at the end of my rope financially...
Told strict catholic parents I’m pregnant out of marriage : they have not talked to me in 2 days
My cats tongue is dying
I think there's a virus or somebody is poisoning them. It's happening again. Please help me, I caught it sooner this time.
My cat tear up his nose
Watch out for herbal tea apparently
Will they find a cure in this lifetime?
When everyone goes around the table…
Is This What I Think It Is?
Went to the ER, not sure if it was from gluten or not
String Cheese
Is Bush’s beans really gluten free?
Aita for having to end New Year’s Eve early at my in-laws and refusing to go back over?