I don't think she deserves one
Guess what caused that "radicalization".
Elon Musk LOVES his hoaxes
I literally cannot imagine posting anything more embarrassing than this
Spawn a cup of tea whenever someone points a gun at you.
My character
If you were to make a list of the top 3 upgrades you’ve done to your Ender 3. What would be on the list?
Just saved a dudes life, and he pointed a pew pew at me 2 hours prior
AITA for using a colour filter meant for colourblind people?
Help! Where do I start
Stringing driving me crazy!
SKT session #1 meme recap
Looking for assistance.
Fuzzface (jhf1) - Vintage Styled Board - Five Cats Pedals
Help me improve my prints please.
"I am your Roëmænce Partnær, Baron"
Make it as obscure as possible
I love her kisses so much
Roll20 currently under suspected DDOS attack
Come Work For Gary
“Absolutely nothing wrong with incest.”
AITA for not waking my husband up for his 5AM walk?
Anyone who saw A New Hope in 1977 recall R2d2 sabotaging R5-D4?
Punished for role playing?
AITA I made my wife to go back to work by lying about quoting my job as well.
Pop it in 😋