7 players in the league have defended 500 drives this season while making a positive impact on the defensive end. Here they are sorted by the no. of drives they stopped.
Bike ride planned to ‘Tesla Takedown’ this Saturday
(NSFW) Shout outs to dude getting all the sun possible on the waterfront right now
How can I start a campaign to get reflectors in Portland roads?
New Seasons Employees Remain on Strike Over “Unjust” Firing of Longtime Employee
New Seasons: we’re still boycotting
Give: Unused Men's Deodorant in North Portland
what exactly is so bad about microwaving water for tea?
How do you raffle your raffles?
GIVE: Five Modern Mustard Yellow Dining Chairs
Broadway | 1930s postcard / 2022 photo
City of Portland previews options to address a growing budget gap
High Taxes Are Hurting Portland Job Growth and Prodding Wealthy People to Leave, Report Says
Portland Mayor Keith Wilson directs 700 city employees to return to in-person work full time
RealPage lawsuit expands to include one of Portland's largest landlords
Cannolis for the lady?
Possible cold or snow in 2 weeks
Alleged Portland graffiti tagger arrested after avoiding capture for months; police find $10K worth of spray paint in his house
Join us over in our sister sub r/fantasyromance, a community dedicated to Fantasy Romance and Romantasy reads!
Friends of Noise will open all-ages music venue in North Portland
Portland prepares to spend $300 million on mega climate projects
Metro Council approves $10 million to remove Kellogg Dam and benefit fish, wildlife and community in Milwaukie
Fathom PDX clues/ answers
Peacock Lane opens tomorrow!