This map should definitely be in ranked.
Cual es la imagen mas XD que tienes en tu galeria?
All Females this time.
I got 24 hours to use this skin before everyone and their dog starts using it
Juancarlos 0-11 😹
Bro wtf
What even is this matchmaking...
Say “Melodie” and let your keyboard finish the sentence (image unrelated)
suave con los comentarios 😆
The eye of Xeroc appeared on my burger
Finally got my first Max Rank
Buzz R50
The post above me did this to Janet, show me what you've got!
This is straight up absurd
Ranked flair varification post
What brawler should I upgrade for ranked .
Give your best descriptions
Wyd in this situation?
Hot Take: The new trophy system is a very good thing
4 Days nothing free
3 most difficult event titles
Posible boss dragon
Bug de pk
If a student tells a teacher "venga" when she wants the teacher to help her, is she being rude?