A guy at the bar: "These atheists will be shocked when the rapture finally happens, am I right?"
Favorite pic of your cat. I'll go first.
Which sitcoms do you think are Peak Comedy?
songs with the color blue in it
what do you think of Cheryl in general ?
JD Vance is a bully who hides behind fragile masculinity. Let's make this beardless photo of JD the first thing that shows up when you type in his name.
The Qnuts still believing this nonsense
What would your Mid Life Crisis car be?
Just finished season 1 and what a ride that was. Should I continue all stop now? Worried after hearing things back in the day that it only nosedives.
It's demented
If anyone, in any way, can explain this: Please Comment.
Just changed my USAA auto insurance to another company, why didn’t I do this sooner?
Keith and Anita
Bald is boring, bush is better
Donald Trump tells Apple to "get rid" of diversity programs after shareholders back them
The Costco Membership Upgrade Pitch Like a Timeshare, But With More Samples
50yo, divorced and very horny. (F)
Spanish speakers from LatAm: what do you say rather than “coger” to describe grabbing or taking something?
What’s one of your favorite tiny details that you only notice when watching a second time?
They look pretty good to me, in a dirty hippie kind of thing
The Scorpions before they hired a marketing manager
Well this is a CEMA alert I’ve never seen before…
1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
Is Forrest Gump a satire?
February 28th would be a great day to cancel your Amazon Prime account
Should I get a Costco membership?
Witness your baby's birth or a 900k job? The choice is easy.