Mom gifted me these props but not sure if it’s rotting ?please help
Please help ?
Need help with my snake plants ,2 died already and I’m trying to save this one
New with plants ,I need help not sure what’s going on with my snake plants ,2 literally died already and this one is about to ,can I save it?
No roots ,can I still save it ,half had root rot and I had to cut .
Can I still save this aloe,
What is all that on my plant?
Help anybody know what’s wrong with my snake plant ?
My mother gifted me this plant ,and it has insects and snails ,is it possible to save it? Please help!
My mother gifted me this plant ,and it has snails and insects ,how can I save it? Please help !
Whats wrong plus can I save it?
Please help what’s wrong with my aloe Vera ?
What are all those bubbles on plant cuttings?
Does anybody know what’s wrong with my plant?
What’s going on?help please
What’s wrong with my plants? Please help
What’s wrong with my plant?
Please help what’s wrong with my pothos ?
What’s wrong with my pothos stems?please help