Does Jannah have 7 levels or 100 levels
"Modern" Scholars
Are Most Ex-Muslims on Reddit fake?
Can anyone edit these false thing in Wikipedia?
scientists discovered that Earth's inner core is slowing down and reversing its rotation relative to the surface
TIL that in 2023, scientists discovered that Earth's inner core is slowing down and reversing its rotation relative to the surface.
Did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Have Step-Childrens?
France has imposed a hijab ban on its Olympians, sparking outrage from human rights groups
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Is creating video games like No Mans Sky haram or makruh?
Are Islamic discoveries legit and not stolen? And would they have still existed by the same arab scientists without Islam?
Seeing my country like this?! Where should I hide
Why Does Media Love To Overblown Immigrate?
how does free will exist if your destiny is written in stone
Is it haram to cancel an umrah without a reason?
No One Really Cares About Suffering of Muslims
🔥Massive Flooding In Dubai
So confused, this looks strangely like a trinity to me. The uncreated AlLah, the uncreated Quran and Isa the spirit of AlLah or Jesus the word of God.
Will China, Japan or South Korea be the First to Employ Artificial Wombs?
What is the Islamic perspective on space colonization? I'm a Writer that is into sci-if
Are tattoos normalised yet?
Is the Star of David used in Black Magic?
Do you think Allah considered other species of Human as “Human”
Although the bible is corrupted, but it still bears witness to the truth!
When prophets isa as arrives
What game hit with you the most Post Game Depression?
Japan's population forecast to fall nationwide except Tokyo in 2050