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Funnel Problems - Funnels REFUSE to suck items in.
[C:A&B] excess flint
AE2 Charger in Create : Above and Beyond
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[7] After 241 S.O.S calls I finally got this sick shiny!
[Adamant] Chewtle, M, 15
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Outstanding Starting Location.
LF HA Phantump( any nature/IV)
Looking for a recommendation on a Laptop
What does the community really want?
LF Exeggcute w/ Skill Swap
LF Some help choosing a Laptop.
What kind of vibe does my chart give off?
Rare, Accurate and Uncalled for - Holy Trinity
Quick help ferrothorn/ferroseed
Gen 7 Giveaway :)
LF: HA(iron fist) Chimchar Ft: HA gen 7 starters, breedjects, a few aprimons.
LF: Certain Aprimons and 5* Fortune-tellers | FT: 5IV Pokemon/few Aprimons