Recently left Christianity due to fascist Christians. I've had enough of the rabid hate and bigotry.
My personal best in murders
How did you get expelled from school?
the dumbest one yet
the hypocrisy
This guy cannot be talking calling religious people mental. Actual insanity here
Hehehaha hoo hoo ha ha.. so funny.. 😐
What should be made illegal that already isn't?
What's the worst thing to say when the cops pull you over?
What is the worst place you had inappropriate laughter at?
Who is the most evil person you met?
If you had a chance to change anything, how would you make the world a better place?
What did your parents do that made you loose trust in them?
What's the worst compliment you ever received?
What is the worst thing to say during a funeral?
Men/Women of reddit, what was the worst reaction you got from rejecting someone?
What's the worst thing someone has ever done to you?
What got you expelled from school?
What's hard for you but easy for others?
What's the worst country of any time period you're lucky you don't live in?
What was the most physical pain you've ever been in?
[Serious] Doctors, what was your "How TF is this guy still alive" moment?
Teachers/Students of reddit, how did a student get arrested in the middle of class?
Doctors, what's the worst self-treatment you've ever seen?
What's the worst movie you have ever watched?