I feel like this was a missed chance in the recent chapters.
Review of 377 and 378 and hope for the next few chapters.
Should there be a light novel for the final arc.
People are seriously forgetting how these things usually go
Did Shinji really catch Aizen hiding or was Aizen just letting himself be caught?
My problem with the chapters 372 and 373.
If Lucius was like Yhwach and had 5 special warrants threats (Asta and Yuno being first) who be them and what would be their reason.
He just feels like more like Yhwach than Aizen to me
So I thought about the arrival cyberse and if it had its anime effect would more decks be using it or it would be more of a required card for @ignister?
I made support for code talker based on the duel of bohman and playmaker
Well here’s a card for code talker based on the duel of bohman vs playmaker (I know the graphic look blurry)
Well it’s been like a couple of days since the last post and I honestly forget to put these in a different post so here you go.
I had an idea for red majestic nova dragon and I want you guys to judge if it’s good or not.
Welp I thought that we were gonna get a event about the final duel in 5ds but I am hoping that there is a new 5ds box with one of the 2 the cards here (or both maybe)
After playing resonator for a while I really liked the support from last year but I feel like there should’ve been a tuner synchro monster or a triple tuner monster what do you guys think.
Well I feel like dusktopia should get an evolution since it kinda sucks.
Well since I can’t post this on the main yugioh community I will just show it here.
I really like destiny hero especially dystopia but dusktopia kinda sucks so I have it an evolution and good effects.
If this card doesn’t get a new animation after the leaks I will come visit Konami myself.
Unconfirmed Leaks from Dkayed: 2nd July Pack + Alternative Artworks
So when is the next box that’ll get 5ds support
Out of all the cards I came up with for resonators which is the best?(and please just answer the question)
Out of all my ideas which is the best for red dragon archfiend (some card text maybe messed up so if you don’t get it then ask me)
If you were to make a retrain/evolution of a card from the anime to help support a deck what would it be? Here’s mine
Bro took his whole flow, word for word, bar for bar.