Any players use trackkarma?
shorts that don't roll up on thunder thighs? 😭
Car Repair?
Sports bras and leggings recs?
Roller Derby Strategy Board - Interactive Play Visualization
Dismissive Avoidants FAQ: Breakups and No Contact
Advice on moving to an lgbt+ friendly country. We are leaving
Best gym based training to support jamming?
Shore Acres update?
AITA for changing my gf tire?
My [32F] wife's [32F] ADHD has me stressed out constantly
Gift help
Name That Player! A weekly Derby Name thread.
PNC Account Linking Error?
Lion and tiger cubs being bros
A ship's bridge that has been removed and converted into a house.
Stephen Covey said “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” What are your thoughts on this?
Fresh Meat Fridays | Ask all of your fresh meat questions here | June 05, 2020
After 5 ish weeks of skating, I finally did something that resembles a plow stop!
Vet suggestions?
Did we really need this?
If your reddit username would predict the way you die, how will it happen?
Lurkers of Reddit, why do you lurk?
Creating a roller skating society at my university
[85/84] Algorithm + Do I Wanna Know? (Muse/Arctic Monkeys)