I just need somebody to talk to
I just need someone to talk to
Experience with Modafinil/ Provigil, anyone??
Anyone experience ghb and meth
Long term health issues from daily
Newly diagnosed BP2...
Asking someone if they are high
London takes it this year!
am i a bad daughter for dealing with addiction?
My doc gave me propranolol for anxiety for an exam I'm taking tomorrow. I'm worried it will make me slow and less mentally sharp. Can I drink caffeine or take psuedoephedrine?
I got my insurance fix what should I pack for the hospital
Putting crystal meth up your backside
Should I make a sooner appointment with my psych?
Get your drugs tested
Sobriety, trauma and nightmares = no sleep
Would it matter? A letter from someone addiction left behind
down time is a pleasure..but a dangerous game at night.
I’ve quit using meth. So why do I still stay awake?
substance use/abuse
43m high as a kite and hard as a rock
Sleepless in Seattle: Not Just a Movie, Apparently
I am so fkn high rn and im rly enjoying myself even with all the sexual tension í get after smoking. God. Am Ithe only one?
F4M - 45 bi F - 206
Share your personal experience with gabapentin as a daily meth user