Flikkerende lamp, hoe op te lossen?
Rear wheel makes popping/snapping sound during riding
Rear derailleur moves half a gear when shifting front derailleur
Bought a used bike. Put it on the weighing scale and it’s 8.7 kilos 😅. HOW WILL I EVER KOM?!?!
Bought a used bike. Put it on the weighing scale and it’s 8.7 kilos 😅. But it’s really smooth and effortless on flats.
What a Fred, can not even afford a 24 speed.
We all know a guy like this
The Bodi tribe of Ethiopia
Calories burnt: Hub vs Garmin
first 100k, started road cycling in late april, why am I so slow?
first 100k, started road cycling in late april/beginning may
Dutch tourist poops on siësta man in Mallorca
[deleted by user]
Fuck the bird
Germany and Japan during the 1930's
Did I miss something?
Overtaking by going off road on your racing bike
Wanneer je maat je tikkie van 10 cent voor dat gejatte frietje niet betaald
I dare you
oh my god that poor car
Maybe maybe maybe
Les 1: hoe ontstaat nepnieuws. Foto 1 word achteloos doorgestuurd door tokkies, het hele verhaal in foto 2 blijft achter.
Mijn [ex] viroloog wappie tante heeft nu ook een mening over de situatie in Oekraïne...
Happy Wednesday
What song is easily recognizable just by saying a few words of it?
Wait for it 🤣🤣