Difficulty calling up emotions during rituals - will the magick still work?
"That's an awfully hot coffee pot"... and other eminem lines I yell out randomly because I have a problem:
Had sex while manic and I regret it terribly
I used to love rap.. I still really enjoy the beats and rhyme schemes but I'm tired of the same topics. Trying to find different artist
Girl would it kill you just to throw a little bit of attention?
Things we wished non bpd people knew
being a bipolar artist sucks
The sign my friend sent me unprovoked
What's the worst trait about your favorite rapper?
Sign from Lilith
New book
Can anyone here share their negative experiences with Lilith?
how it feels going from 2-3 cups to 2-3 litres 🫥 stay hydrated!
White lies to my psychiatrist
Does anyone else plan self harm or overdoses in advance
How would you react to someone saying that SR is a cope?
does this fit here? i relate to this do you?
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Not a good idea but what is the best eminem song?
bf lied about porn use
Is Intelligence Fixed or Malleable?
Trying to see the age of Em fan base on ere
does anyone else just wanna cut off all their friends delete all socials and start again?