Oil change help
Straight Vodka
Am I balding?
What is this truck I saw?
Help me name my bong
Found this in my bud? (What is this thing?)
Is 6 drinks in 35 minutes bad?
How bad is it? I believe the time has arrived to befriend the mighty clippers..
I’m addicted to gore and feel nothing
Should I start using finasteride?
10:00 am, my day off, it's miller time
They’re cheap, strong and you can find them at almost any gas station. There’s almost no reason not to drink them.
What’s everyone smoking currently / what’s in your stash
What are you hoping to see in the Oblivion remake?
Alien Labs Cart Too Dark?
So what is better than drinking?
Should I get a haircut?
1 year old M , is he cooked?
What animal skull is this?
No I dont want to race you. I just wanna get to my destination.
its currently 1am and i am having an existential crisis because of this game, mainly because of ton 618.
Im a bad son please help me
36M - I've accepted the balding, but what now?
The transfer of the hostages to the red cross today
What qualities make your favorite liquor store your favorite?