I want an E-Reader, but I'm a pirate. What will the best for me?
Mozilla changed their TOS
Brave found a new place to advertise their VPN
What would Adobe Company would do to me if I install pirate version of their products
Was tired of Chrome eating up all my RAM, but uBlock ban was the final straw. Also, anyone else attacked on Reddit for pointing out any flaw with Chrome?
Got this message a couple of minutes ago seems legit
Any fans from south asia? What countries are y'all from?
How come youtube still allows these type of comments...
So, no matter how much I try (and believe me I put effort), this is always the result I get. Am I done?
uBlock still working?
Happy Valentine's day!
Tried Brave… Yeah, I’m Sticking with Firefox
trying to bypass denuvo
i cant with MegaDB...
Does chrome know?
Native vertical tab and tab group support is amazing!
Ado pickup lines
So how bad did KCD2 turn out in the end?
Google felt
I switched to Firefox. It's so much better!
Who tf commission this
My Internet Provider sent me a copyright notice for Read Dead Redemption
Which browser should I uninstall? I'm confused - I want privacy plus convenience
are people insane? is this even normal???
What’s the web browser with the largest amount of spyware? Bonus points if you say a search engine too