Can you name some
He is right
Modernia and Cinderella both at the outpost is crazy
So far which best story
Who’s That Nikke
Which Nikke would be extremely shaken if, due to one of their mistakes, the commander were seriously injured?
Nikke players after calling Cinderella X Grave weird but then proceed to say Blanc and Noir having a threesome with the commander is fine
Title screen voiceline comilation up to valentine 2025 (JP)
Okay, maybe AI isn't that bad.
THIS Makes Photopea UNUSABLE (Auto Redirecting to Ads)
Describe your favourite Nikke poorly
Cinderella and Grave
Drawing shipgirls daily until I get good at it: day 5 (Galatea) (holy crap it's horrendous...)
Who do you think would be the best english VA for the cummander?
Cinderella is cooked
Why is she looking at me like that?
She has come a long way
What other Nicknames would you like to see the Commander be called in the future?
Old Tales
Who is the best villain in Nikke and why?
Updare on Nikke Mural
Guillotine's voice acting in Japanese is amazing