Why are you guys a fan of Blair?
Just finished series finale and wtf???
What the hell😭
Scared about cuts
Where to get a breakfast sandwich in Williamsville?
Towel Bingo - Friday March 07 @ St. Mark's & All Saints' Church. Doors open at 6:20. Proceeds to assist the BRRAlliance with building repairs @ 52 Amherst St.
Chuck's worst outfits (disclaimer at the top)
I don't even have words for this
What are some good colognes I could go for to seem more masculine?
What was the introduction song of Taylor for you?
Cat will only eat wet food
need emergency cat boarding
Guys who have to donate blood therapeutically after starting T…
What is the first movie you remember watching in the theater?
Do you remember the first Taylor's Song that made you cry?
Veterans parking. Anybody else go through this???
What is a song that's generally considered as "happy" or upbeat but for you it's sad?
What drastically changed your body?
Wingstop - why so poppin?
Whopper of a combo for transgender veterans about to happen as of yesterday
Reliable vets in amherst or tonawanda area?
Are there any songs that you think should've been their respective album opener?
Not everyone 100pct
Has living off Disability affected your dating life?