Ready for a big gaming session this week!
Purchasing a Phone for Work
Paramore pit line?
Chase Freedom Flex or Freedom Unlimited ?
I hate my freaking life. 3rd FAR attempt, 3rd time getting a 74. In desperate need of retake advice because I obviously don't know wtf I'm doing. Please help.
Score Release Thread FAR, AUD, REG, BEC - 04/11/2023 - Good Luck!
Quasi-Quarter Life Crisis
PSA to Winter 2023 Interns or New CPA Candidates
Score Release Thread FAR, AUD, REG, BEC 02/07/2023 - Good Luck!
Score Release Thread FAR, AUD, REG, BEC - 9/15/2022
WAIT! Chase Sapphire Preferred 80,000 Bonus Point is back starting 04/14/2022!
Advice on joining Chase cards
My wife and I got to channel our inner Jim/Pam love recently!
[Feigen] The last time James Harden has a usage rate as small as last night's 15 percent, the Rockets were led in scoring by Chandler Parsons, Omri Casspi and Francisco Garcia
Resume Critique and Internship Question
Sakurai looking through all the fan comments about characters to add
Golden boy.
My wife set me up for a happy Classic WoW day
Just moved into a new house, internet won’t be set up for awhile. I think I’ll be okay.
The notebook but it’s micheal and oscar
How does he do it ?
LPT: cancel your App Store free trial subscriptions as soon as they begin if you don’t plan on keeping it. Your trial will continue until it’s supposed to expire and you won’t forget to cancel it.
Remember when the game mode tab was this simple? Weird looking at it now
[OC] Players with "Z" last names don't last long in the NBA.