They specifically bans dads in their rule #2. Why do we allow moms in violation of our own rule #10?
YMCA East Swim classes
My wife criticizes the conversations I have with our daughter in private. Is it me?
Dads, I need to vent I'm so confused
5 week old falling asleep
Kids dishware recs
Fuck Jill Stein
Are my husband and I being selfish?
Low Stimulation Nature Documentaries for Young Children
New FB group for getting real
Some old stories have terrible messaging
Having a second after a very difficult first born?
Top 3 favourite children 's books? (Ages 0-3)
How many children did you have/planning to have if you started over 30?
My wife is in excruciating pain when she breastfeeds. I hate seeing her like this.
Do you breastfeed out of the house in public?
Weight limit on car seat
What’s your current favorite mispronunciation your child does? Why is it so cute?!
Family vacation suggestions (driving)
Clogged duct on Xmas Eve
Is there a stomach virus going around?
Mastitis - both sides
MIL is adamant that I will have to be on an extremely restrictive diet while breastfeeding, and it is stressing me out.
First pump after losing my stash during a power outage. I’m just so glad the new reserve is off to a good start!
Short term disability