BREAKING NEWS : Taylor Swift will replace former band member John Petrucci
BREAKING NEWS : Taylor Swift has replaced John Petrucci
Me all day today
Why was I subject to the pain of seeing this on my feed
Nobody has Lunch money anymore. Because of the woke
whats the horniest film of 2024?
My friends wants to start listen to Maiden, what album do I suggest?
Where was it indeed...
New pics
Which director everyone love except you?
GLORYHAMMER - He Has Returned (Official Video)
Leonardo Da Vinci’s Flying Machine
Best Western film of the 1980s?
Best Westerns of the 1970s?
Any prog bands similar to Yes?
Phantom of the Opera, The Trooper or Blood Brothers
Favorite Side Project?
Night terror made me appreciate DT
Terrifier 3 has a shot at being #1 in the US this weekend!
“In the Wilderness” won “What is the name of this song again?” Which will win This Song Made me a Fan?
Watching Terrifier has me so densitized...
Invisible Touch won "Most Overrated" What's their most underrated song?
Which 2 songs from each album would you pick for next years setlist?
amazing body
What jumbo be doin