I turned on the kettle, seems like she hates me for it
I found this perforated piece of rubber in my washer after a load of laundry, what could it be?
I donno what's her deal. She likes me or she wants to kill me?. She is staring at me like this for almost 30 mins now.
Claudia having words with her mouse 😾
I tried to move my boyfriend’s work bag…my bad??
Bekymret for kærestens veninde
Some people were worried if they would get along. This is after and before. Swipe for the airplaneears
Mette Frederiksen: Vi er ikke længere i en fredstid
Hvordan kan vi leve med at Odense-virksomheden Fayard helt åbenlyst servicerer den russiske skyggeflåde?
I told him he already ate.
We made the mistake of getting her a baby brother…
She was mad that we got her a baby brother - BUT LOOK AT THOSE KANKLES!
During Paloma's preliminary assesment, Dr. Zalce explains what is different from Paloma, a tridactyl to normal humans.
Produce at my workplace
Hi! Any name suggestions? Cute or funny?
Just do it.
He stole my spot and I stole it back
Oy human, know your place!
"Can I help you? I hope not"
What's the first craft? What's the story behind this video? Anybody have any information?
50th birthday M, Stroke survivor ; let me have it
Sådan fixer vi polemikken omkring Grønland i et snuptag
I told him he’s fat
How Egypt relocates mummies
Amerikansk invasion af Grønland.