Mistakes were made
Request: Do Bluetooth USB cable replacements exist? (I'll explain)
Just purely out of curiosity, why did you choose to learn Farsi?
Pumpkin Carving - Ad-hoc Language and Script
Is it okay to take a hot shower and cold shower under these circumstances only?
Questions about the Haskell Dev Experience
Can anyone find this proverb's original Farsi?
Upgrade to Android 13 on OnePlus 8T without loosing data?
Failure to calculate dependencies - dev-libs/icu and app-emulation/libvirt causing issues
Owlk writing key
An inusual minimalistic abjad based on Aramaic, Syriac & Arabic.
What Keyboard Should I Use?
What do you see?
I'm not going back to htop.
“Hornet” and “W” layering on watercolor paper with opaque inks
Testing gold and white ink on black post-it notes
Tainted [Script: Devanagari]
Keyboard Designer - Make a Custom Soft-Keyboard for a Conlang
Yes, I'm one of those people who got into linguistics because of conlanging, how could you tell
Another revision of the old conscripts I haven't named yet
we grub everywhere. expect us.
natural si(g)n...
Is my character realistic. I may have made him overpowered.