Ya know I didn't really want that one anyway.
The six generators my solo queue teammates will always pop first.
Double doomfist ult in one echo ullt
Where is he now?
How fun I find each killer to play AGAINST as a fairly new player
Jesus christ what did they do to Haddonfield?
The reason why Houndmaster is a weak and useless killer
Not Being Able To Code, Without Saying You Cant Code.
Which killer do you struggle the most against?
What’s the best pistol in the game?
What is one perk everyone but YOU think is good? Here's mine
Blight is the most broken thing since sliced bread
New Roadmap for Ark Ascended for those who haven't seen it
Should have left him with his mama.
I love aberrant raptors
The kali experience
This might just be the worst killer they’ve ever made, just everything is so bad
Bloodweb bugging out?
Help Transferring character
Which game did you not like despite being told it’s good?
Low level Dinos on the Island despite adjusting settings?
They did try
Needed some help/questions getting the stranger things DLC
Any idea how to fix this flickering problem?
Law of the Hog ditto. (From what I remember.)