Hot Take: Civ VII's Culture Switching is More Historical Than Previous Entries
So the guy who posted the Hole Digging game here a few months ago seems to have pulled 2 million in 2 weeks since release. What can we learn from that?
[KCD2] How Does Everyone Feel About the New Lockpicking?
Pebble throwing doesn't work if you aren't on the same elevation (glitch)
[KCD2] Fix the mission "Storm"
[KCD1] It's quite sad seeing so many people discouraging others to play KCD1 before KCD2 as if there's no time to enjoy things
Elon musk hits back to back nazi salute and crowd cheers.
The Nuttiest Build I've Pulled Off
Should I see a dermatologist?
My only issue with Playtest 3
Recoil in Playtest #3
What Challenges do Successful Entrepreneurs Actually Deal With?
The Sneakiest Sniper
Constant crashing on same date
Is Earth Orbital Bombardment good?
Could I have Undiagnosed ADHD? How to Find Out?
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Been (Seriously) Playing Guitar for almost a year, recently decided to venture from rhythm/fingerstyle to metal leads. Would love some criticism on this one I learned last night~!
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