No girlfriend at 24
Crazy fetishes.
How would you prefer to go?
Went to a party last night
How y’all coping with schoolwork?
Taking My Life.
How much is your 'broke amount' ?
Are Relationships the easiest links to contract HIV?
What is the grand finale of life? What are we living for,to struggle to survive then die?
I'm contemplating s*icide everyday
Help with labtainer (seed lab coding) homeworks.
Sat tutor
looking for a data management and advanced functions tutor
Why do basically all phone manufacturers stop at around 5000mah for the phone's battery?
Looking for CS Tutor
Which is the most lucrative skill now?
Let's upvote each other! Let's go.Make it 200🙂
Hey ! Please upvote as I upvote you back.
Why are many single men over 30 not interested in women?
Upvote for upvote please guys!
Is being a girl easier than being a guy?
Why do guys stare at girls?
This post is for the girls
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