How well would the amx 50 Foch do against Soviet heavy tanks?
Why is the char 25T still 8.0
“Iron duke” going through the city of Arras, April 10th, 1917
US M46 Patton heads south during the battle of Chosin Reservoir
M4 Sherman stuck in 5 feet of water, Okinawa, may 1945
Noob (Level22), constantly dieing, need help
Mobile, AL battleship museum
Based on current events (help me)
When I see a bmd-4m while in my bmd-4
Next for the French Tier? Leduc 022.
Guys.... there are more than 12 naval players..... this cant be true....
What things do you really want added to your favorite techtree?
What do y’all think happened to the Char 2c?
Planned Technical Works on 19.11.2024 - News - War Thunder
Mark VIII (liberty tank) with Renault FT on the back of it.
Wake up, America! Civilization calls ever man woman and child! (1917)
Uhm want some chaff?(since when does the Premium Tornado have so much chaff?) is this a bug?
Complements to the killer?
No, you didn’t get banned by AI. No, you don’t get banned from spam reporting.
Since the Jake Paul and Mike Tyson fight is in 5 days what do you think will be the outcome of it?
Bombs away! (Day 17 of posting WWII German vehicles)
Share your favorite tech tree and why
I hate my life in 6.0
With the yearly invasion of the maus what’s your favorite tank to hunt them in?
U.S soldiers inspecting a marder III taken of a Roman road