Altercation at Summerhaze
National / Act / NZ First voters only - how would you rate this govt so far
Interest Rates
BNZ mortgage rates
Flea in crowd at Lakers game
Pantera wall hanging
2024 Jeep Compass PHEV
Wellington - Registered Property Valuer
Wrangler write off or fixable?
Phil Anselmo covers
What’s your favorite added lyric or phrase?
If you could choose one B-side to go onto an album, which would you choose?
Sell Wellington apartment privately
I am going to make a playlist of the Chili Peppers most meaningful songs. What song would you recommend I include?
Has there ever been an album/song/moment that’s shaken your faith in the RHCP?
How do I ask out my coworker?
Which track on Appetite for Destruction would you replace with ‘You could be mine’?
What lyrics by Anthony do you most connect with emotionally?
If 100,000 hungry polar bears appeared in New York City, how many people would perish in a 24 hour span?
To provide rental furnished or unfurnished?
Stare downs with guys
To provide a rental furnished or unfurnished?
I keep attracting nice girls who show genuine interest in me instead of hoes
Can we have a conversation about the consistently below average dumpster fire of an airline known as Jetstar?
Name a pantera song but replace one word with “wank”
Name a MFDOOM song but replace one word with “wank”