Should I do it?
I got this magnet in Bulgaria in 2020, I just now realised it's the old Hitler portrait 😭
Today's cover of the Polish Wprost magazine
Upgrade on AM4 or build new on AM5?
Несигурност и емоционалното състояние на приятелката ми.
Спрете да дишате с уста
Leader of Bulgaria's extremist party "Rebirth" wants to annex Dobruja and Southern Basarabia.
This steak looks a little bit like Australia
популярно е да мразиш Бг, но реално по-добре не сме били.
Justin Trudeau has announced his resignation as leader of the Liberal Party
im speechless
The Adriatic Confederation and it's Sister Republics
My hobby costs me nothing
Help for this Deadeye ranger?
"Pedestrians must give way to vehicles" - on Bluesky
Notice how none of these "noticers" ever say what their solution is?
Happy New Year Reddit here is 64 Canadian dollars of drunk ordered food
New premium just dropped
Basically me in nearly any game of HOI4 I play
I'm excited too! Do not pre-order.
Whats your favourite premium? Ill start:
Average Parking Lot Experience
This is just...
What if proposed Balkan federation was created
I think he had a point but would we have horsebrains instead today?
To stop technology.
Is the Hyrri's Bite vendor recipe changed or does it exist in this mode?
Gaijin when
New russian anti-air vehicle anounced today