Tour pass limit lifted at 12am Saturday with higher points rewarded from activities
PSA: Catch your Legendary from Timed Research on Saturday, after midnight for easier Pass completion (needs confirmation about the start time of unlocked Points for the weekend)
Shiny Scatterbug
Gym spin bug?
Defeat team rocket leader with team of 2500 or less
Dawn of a New Discovery Research
GPS Off??
Unable to claim completed rewards
Battle Weekend Event and Rocket Lineups Megathread
LF : ✨Unown “B” FT: Dm me with what you’re looking for
No shiny report??
FT: ✨ Corphish, ✨ Tyrogue, ✨ Okinawa balloon Pikachu, ✨ Okinawa shirt Pikachu, many others ✨ and legendaries. LF: See updated post
What happened to u/Chrales?
Alola means time for…Zygarde?
Power Plant part 2
Who here has matched against a person from their friends list in a random gbl match?
Thank you to GBL legends
LF: Shiny Pika Libre FT: Shiny black hat Pika
GBL Error
Premier Master League and LVL 40+ pokemon
Texts Update - 15-01-21 - Community Day, GO Tour Kanto and Johto and Hoenn Event
[Bug] Wayfarer badge updated to the correct agreement count but did not set itself back to its proper golden status.
[Verification] shiny Unown caught from Auckland city spotlight. Shiny rate feels significantly lower than Go fest or ULTRA raids.
Shiny Ferroseed rates?