Bro: Why aren't you Max Tier yet? Its so easy!
Wtf is wrong with my randoms and the other team.
Brawl Stars math
Yep, love how Supercell made it so you can play triple buzz’s as if he isn’t already op.
How does this not get you banned?
Where are the Powercube Boxes in Map Maker???
Is this a new feature or am I tripping?
Dodged right after my random picked this, justifiable?
Rate this clutch
Rate this clutch out of ten (edgay sucks)
Bro, why don’t you have any tier max brawler? My average random:
Everyone played well
mY cRaCk Is CoLoSsAl NoW iS tHiS nOrmal??
Me destroying teamers
New skin leaked??? nvm
Kenji wall glitch!!
What did I do?!
I don't know how it happened but hank is not the tank so who is
How is this not a thing yet ?!
I hate ranked
Who's the strategist
Kenji has decided to make you into his next sushi roll. The brawler you last unlocked is coming to save you. How cooked are you?
Lets play a game of whats wrong with this picture :)