Movies that are better than the book
J.K. Rowling writing Harry Potter at a café in Scotland in 1998.
Which actor were you convinced would become a household name after a performance, but didn't?
What is the worst era in the history of film?
Is the Rock the worst A-list actor in Hollywood history?
You’re offered $100k to recite 90% of a movie. What movie are you choosing?
What movies have the most perfect endings? (NO SPOILERS)
Do you judge people who like a movie you hate?
Who is the better actor? In your opinion. I’ve always wondered how the public felt about this.
Dr. Henry Walton "Indiana" Jones Jr. punching a Nazi
Movies that haven’t aged…
Is this the worst superhero movie ever made? Fantastic Four (2015)
A really great screenplay is undeniable. Is this true?
What film did you continue to watch at the cinema despite the fact that you hated everything and you just wanted it to end
Racism against South Asians is becoming a scourge. Wasn’t Canada supposed to be better than this?
Globe editorial: Spilled milk that’s worth a political outcry
What’s the worst professional screenplay you’ve read?