[GIVEAWAY] Hot Takes: Stirring the pot, one opinion at a time!
Everytime I open cs2 these blue lines appear and I cannot get rid of them unless I take out my displayport and plus it back in
How do I fex these blue lines?
How to make other peoples casual levels not show in the scoreboard?
I got my first muscle up
More santa birds!
I have been thinking that after I reach Rank V I need 5 tanks to continue to Rank VI. So can I just get Caernarvon and Conqueror or do they count as 1?
When Im in the newer versions of minecraft even if Im getting 1000+ fps it still looks like 30 fps. How do I fix this?
Now that I've crossed way too many timezones and I'm properly jetlagged, it's the perfect time for a brisk fall themed evening giveaway. Post your best autumnal TF2 screenshots! (Countdown to Fall - Day 13/18)
Pyro's probably going to need a bath after this... (Countdown to Fall - Day 1/18)
My balls are itching
Got my first unusual yesterday:)
Boston BreakDance unusualfier
Wyd in this situation?
What was yalls big "holy shit how did I hit that??" moment?
(Day 15/20) Painted Hats and Weapon Skins!
900 hours in tf2 and still have not used money. Should I keep going up to 1k?
(Day 4/20) Painted Hats and Weapon Skins!
What’s his plan?
How are you suppost to improve as a heavy
Favorite voice line?
What is the BEST scout melee? In my opinion its the Atomizer