What’s a Brawler that you dislike or straight-up hate, but everyone else seems to like or not really mind?
Fix your F###ing Matchmaking supercell
What are you most looking forward to seeing in season 2?
Toy chica’s tits look like they feel fucking fantastic
Credits or Credits?
New card what do you guys think a troop or a tower troop
I will allways hate Edgay Players
Did anyone notice this?
Season 3 Leak:
Got max Rank crow :), second max rank fr
"What did I miss" ahh megaknight
Today I learned pain
Currently no bots in ranked OG
Finally I did it..My first rank MAX
How strong every brawler would be if brawl stars was realistic
How was your account progress this year ?
So the morning sickness usually first happens in 4th week of the pregnancy, and Sinsmas' timeline is a month after Mastermind. So does that mean.....
What's the difference between These two?
Imagine showing this to someone in 2017
Has anyone else got the 2v2 badge because I don’t even though I am above 30 wins
Who is this?
Do it
What was the first brawler you got from a stardrop/boxes