What is the most interesting question you’ve come across?
Which teacher made the biggest impact in your life?
What is God to you?
What is the title track to your life?
What is your favourite song?
Who do you think will stay at your grave the longest?
What is something you suck at?
What do you think is the problem with people?
What is something you hate with your whole heart?
What is your proudest moment?
What is a letter you wrote to someone but never sent?
What would be your superhero name?
What do you find beautiful?
What is something you believe with your whole heart?
What do you think heaven is like?
What is something you want to tell your dad?
Stranger to stranger, what is something about you, you have never told anyone?
Who is that one person that changed your life?
How do you want to spend your last five minutes on earth?