My Beautiful Lobsta Family🦞
Would anyone like a free card reading from my kitten?
Do you guys know any Squishmallows that are fanmade?
I would die for Sandina in a 5 inch form!!
Why do we love Squishmallows so much??
Collection Update🥰
Ok more shoes! They're pandas this time!
Squishhunt success!!!!
Big squish are my favorite but I also live in very limited space. I really don't have room. Oh well! Fitzwilliams is mine!
2 years of unemployment. Finally landed a job!!
I got a job offer !!
I got my first Squishmallow today! :D
My collection
I dropped my second major in college
Left an emotionally abusive relationship of 6+ years last night
Student loans are paid off!
I got a job!
Squish collectors of Reddit, which Squishmallow cow was your first cow? I’ll go first! 🫐🍰
Who is your rarest squish?
Thoughts on the upcoming select series micros?
AITA for not taking my child to daycare when it’s a 20 minute drive in the same direction my wife travels
I decided shortly after an interview that it wasn't a good fit. This was their response.
Help me please!!!
Squishmallow chairlift
Mood for the Moment feat. Yekaterina Micromallow