Real Hittaz
i also have SR art!
Has anyone ever transitioned from Blue Collar to tech?
The Holy Trinity ✨ MDMA, LSD, Ketamine 🥴
What would your reaction be if you saw this when you walked into a friend's room?
Im actually so torn
Have you ever wondered if the Sarlaac Pit was a Goddess’ asshole?
What is happening here?
Can yall still have a panic attack on a benzo or does it really cancels all anxiety?
Bitcoin mixing no longer works. Why do people still use BTC on the Darknet?
Men who don't want children, what's stopping you from getting a vasectomy?
Is this trade really as bad as people say?
I'm burnt out from my job
Would you try to escape in this situation, or dive deeper in... 🤭
I'm depressed and at virge of suicide
Imagine getting snaps from a giantess 😳🥵💦
I wonder where it's more comfortable on my tits or my tongue
Tiny looking for help
Careful down there😘
I love my bennies.
Below me is where you belong.
I want a ✨ one but got this
Anyone prescribed both stimulants and benzodiazepines?
{Discussion} What's hotter, being digested by someone you know or a complete stranger?
I just want a girl to lock in with