If my understanding is correct, most frozen seafood in your average grocery store is safe for raw consumption? Am I missing something?
New super mario bros vs mode
New super mario bros vs
new super Mario bros ds vs mode
Something to boost my immunity in the winter?
The tiny Upstate NY village of Copenhagen is the snowiest place in the U.S.
So, what should we do about the proliferation of national political topics in our local subreddit?
Daily Questions Thread - Ask All Your Magic Related Questions Here!
If you had to choose, which one group of people would you spend the rest of your life with?
Who would win a fight tournament?
Americans, what do you think will happen during Trump's presidency?
If you could press a button to get rid of social media permanently, would you?
Underrated winter hikes for a cloudy winter day?
Do you feel any sympathy for the very wealthy people who have lost their homes in the Los Angelas wildfires?
Which describes your mental health?
If you could go back in time and fight for your country in WWI, would you do it?
Series hot takes?
[m26] An ENT told me not to use a neti pot because it will spread a sinus infection and make it worse- is this true?
ENT doc told me not to use a neti pot because it can spread a sinus infection- is this true?
Ithaca iconic tree?
Clutch suddenly won't disengage
Clutch wont disengage
Suggest me an easy read sci fi novel without romantic drama
Shortness of Breath
This sub helped me find a way to get rid of canker sores