What's the worst that could happen in two years?
Marvel Comics Cancels X-Force, NYX And Probably X-Factor With #10
T-1000 sneaker peak on Sunday
Ultimate Spider-man: Incursion
Absolute Superman #7 and Absolute Wonder Woman #8
Ultimate Universe first limited series ‘Ultimate Spider-Man: Incursion’ announced
Marvel To Publish Ultimate Spider-Man Incursion #1 In June 2025
Только что Трамп запостил в своей соцсети
Ultimate Black Panther #13 - Official Discussion Thread
Is Sticks the Badger canon?
Emberwatch seems to be very bland?
Possibility of Cates writing sixth Ultimate ongoing?
Hara Kiri animations have been found in the files
Do you think there is still a chance that Wolverine is a clone of the original?
Thoughts on new Edition now it's been out for a while?
Is it even possible for PFG to take more Ls???
Marvel reveals Ultimate Universe solicitations for May 2025
Ultimate Sabretooth Strikes, Father and Son Team Up Against the Sinister Six and More in Upcoming Ultimate Issues
Mortal Kombat (Sub-Zero specifically) is coming to Fortnite.
Mortal Kombat is coming to Fortnite next season!
MK will finally get collab with Fortnite if anyone wonder
Honestly I wish Amphibia last season & Marcy's Journal gets rebooted, likely similar to Samurai Jack series taken Adult Swim route to show the nitty gritty traumatic path than Disney kids-friendly trash.
Why don’t people like Ultimate X-Men?
How it feels during certain weeks.