How can I recreate this effect?
Worst Reasons not to appoint Ministerial Servants
PIMO playlist!
I finally got to try Girl Scout Cookies
Taking doors (literally)
Double cult
hair trigger vasovagal syncope
Hair routine
even with an official diagnosis, other doctors dismiss me
My Friend Was Kidnapped.
Think Twice Before Confessing: Protect Yourself
Parents just told me that wikipedia is controlled by apostates regarding "Declaration of Facts" by Rutherford. [20M PIMO. baptised]
what’s the dumbest thing your jw parents told you when they found out you were self harming?
Hollow under eyes
For the life of me, please tell me why!!!???
Is being stupid necessary to be a Jehovah's Witness?
Comment on Palestine
Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept people with disabilities!
Ministry experience
Memorial was too “person-centric”
Silly apostate pic in new WT
Getting my first nerve block injection. What is it like?
Oh, right! I AM disabled
Not saying "cheers" and not saying "bless you" (or anything of that kind) when someone around you sneezes - what other weird rules do you remember?