ABCs of FOB - What’s I?
ABCs of FOB - What’s F?
Bag of the Day! Kate Spade Garden Posey
said group limit was exceeded for 2 people?
ABCs of FOB - What’s E?
My mom sent me a box of my Fall Out Boy sh*t from college - Part 4!
Great prices on Madison
How many purses do you own? How many do you actually wear?
Where did she get this tail from?
7 months of my nails
Favorite non-Digital Short musical sketch?
ABCs of FOB - What’s B?
Found some old merch - including a never-opened box set!
Fake Shit
Fake Plastic Shit
isn’t it obvious that I like the cat’s meow line?
Had a job interview at kate spade monday
Does NekoMania give you free cosmetics in the different games?
My mom sent me a box of my Fall Out Boy sh*t from college - last post / part 5!
Justin Timberlake Forced to Cancel Final Show of U.S. Tour: 'It Kills Me'
My mom sent me a box of my Fall Out Boy sh*t from college - Part 1!
My mom sent me a box of my Fall Out Boy sh*t from college - Part 3!
Dino Kisslock
My mom sent me a box of my Fall Out Boy sh*t - Part 2!
Asking your opinion every day about a Fall Out Boy song Day 38: Snitches and Talkers Get Stitches and Walkers