Creating an all new major god is hard! Inserting the new Major god statue is even harder!
Another question about P.S., MDC, and Weapons
Psionic generator gizmo
Best items and methods of reducing P.P.E. costs of Spells?
I know the Dawi are strong in AR but really?
At least you're not that empire captain
Stellaris Dev Diary #366 - Announcing Stellaris 4.0
Day 184 of drawing until Nagash DLC comes out.
Remember Ogre daddies are canon.
The Paymaster's wears a little Gnoblar on his back; which is adorable!
Destiny arrives all the same.
Chaostide & Nagash Fanboys will get their End Times units. It is not a matter of if but a matter of when.
Moral implications
The build I'm using for a genesis game (Being the sole sapient species in the galaxy).
My guide for mission 30 all is not Lost
Troll myth units are they worth it?
Do Mummies that Achieve Apotheosis in Mummy the curse 2e face Descent?
For those confused about the Dark Fleet Tower planet item.
Purified Using Multiply Dread Power
The current documents for Leviathan 2.5
In light of recent news, I've made my own predictions of what new units we'll have, so here it is
Malakai without Glasses:
19 Toad Dragons
Ah yes, equality.
Am I The Bad Guy For Letting The Scourge "solve" my United Nations of Earth problem... playing as CWM...