Swipe for Tina comparison
Every time Tina is on the screen I see this. Am I alone?
The children yearn for efficient transportation
Why shouldn’t white people?
Statistics shows it’s not ‘Latinos’ or ‘women’—It’s white man and white women.
My son died yesterday
My boyfriend of nearly 4 years voted Trump
Country boy voted blue cause I have a 15yo daughter
Which one
Throwback to "Trump's Mind-Numbing Interview with Axios". Reminds of his Utter Incompetence.
Jesus: I just flew “spirit” cuz it’s cheap. I have nothing to do with this woman.
Realtor says we should paint our cabinets white, idk if I agree
What's your all time favorite movie?
An 81-Year-Old Georgia Woman Never Voted Because Her Late Husband Didn't Want Her To. She Just Cast Her Ballot or the First Time
What’s something you’ve always thought was normal until you realized other people didn’t experience it?
Trump working at McDonald's today
MAGA patriot meltdown
Trump calls hosts of The View “degenerates” and “dumb women”
This should be fun!
What cancelled Netflix show you wish they didn't cancel?
What’s the most comfortable pair of shoes you own?
Kindly follow the instruction. I'll go first, "welcome to the jungle in my ass."
Back the blue crowd will say “just cooperate”
My mil who doesn’t live with us, but yet is controlling where my plant is allowed to stand 😅🥲
Do you care if your toddler comes to your bed in the middle of the night?