Women in long term relationships — How do you accept the things you cannot change?
If I see ONE more post about HSP ("Highly Sensitive Person")...
Need advice
I called a friend out for incel behavior, now he's ignoring me
If you’re a woman who thought “I can fix him”, how did it go?
Typical sentencing for strangulation and battery
Attending court as a DV victim... please tell me your experiences
Witness in non fatal strangulation case - what to expect
When did you realize your marriage was over?
How long could you happily have a parent visit you?
Experiences with Aklief
How would you feel about your partner needing a 'break' and spending a night alone at a hotel without you and the kids?
Individual therapy for the step parent
Today is my 27th birthday and I don’t really have many friends to celebrate or share it with so I thought I’d post here
BM insisted on seeing our bedroom. Advice?
How did your Instagram algorithm change over the past few weeks/months? More babies and pregnancy?
I keep waiting to do things in life and just haven’t done anything
What would you tell a young woman to look for in a long term partner?
My (27F) BF (42M) is still financially entangled with his ex-wife. Grounds for leaving?
Do you have everything in a color you like?
Any late diagnosed women here who have dyspraxia
For those of you who got married prior to moving - what was your wedding like?
ADHD and lying
What are your guys experiences with Deadlifting once a week vs once every 2 weeks?
How often do you masturbate?