every time a villager moves out, i write their name on a post-it to never forget them.
Where would Nintendo be today if the Switch had flopped?
where roastbeefdisease
I visited the real-life Liberty Falls church dressed as Dennis Riffle. Harpers Ferry, WV.
Terminus Application
Would anyone like free orange flowers? 🧡🧡🧡
TIL, Origins Lore was completely different than then final version, as Primis was originally supposed to be the “Fathers of the Ultimis Crew”.
The Original? I Purchased this Album it’s First Week of Release in the U.S. (September 1969)
Flamingo LP received
60 seconds to talk to Paul
Rainbow Moon Entrance
I truly did not expect this 😂
Spotify - Song “Scared” Not Available
some pictures of my island ^^
Did you know you can get free turnips from Joan if she visits the hospital?
Which looks better? 1 or 2?
The Nintendo switch is 8 years old today
"one more time" Sam's town
My opinion wasn't recieved to well in the coldplay community, let's see how it's recieved here
I don't care that the icon looks different, I'm just happy it's coming back
How can you not adore her? she is so cute/sleepy and look at those tiny toe beans!
How would you rate Ringo as a drummer?
Functional Rock Zen Garden