How would the plants from PvZ 1 perform in WW1?
Would you have liked a Half-Life Decay 2? Or a Black Mesa style remaster of Decay
What's stopping the Necromorphs from rushing Isaac en masse?
Caught a strange creature
What crimes can Gordon be tried for - fairly - in court?
What about boys kissing? | @5005910z
I made a twink. How'd I do?
Why doesn't the Marker protect smart people?
"What do you think of my nyew dress, Proxy?"
Where is it??
Can we give this some attention?
The Way People Use The Word "Gooning" Is... Kind of Annoying, Ngl
If the combine invasion of earth happened in real life do you think you would join them (if you have a family you want to protect/agree with them) or rebel?
You and your buddy escape city 17 destruction
Who wins in a fight between Evelyn and Jane?
I wonder where do all these sleepless zombies and coffee addicts come from...
What does Gordon even smell like after Half Life 2?
Who's the strongest character that a fully kitted out Gordon Freeman beats? (HL2 gear)
Pull or Skip?
We should have left poppy in the case
Soukaku is HUNGRY
Haven't played in a month+, but I played the camera event for a bit yesterday and this is what I got
Dark and diddy aside. Is there anything from the HL2 beta(2000 - 2002), that you would've liked for Valve to keep in the retail version of HL2?