The "vote-flip-code" & Elon's "app", my thoughts
Has anyone already figured out the hypothetical vote-switch hack yet? I don't want to post my thoughts if my search just didn't have the correct keywords.
Realization on Trumps Cheating
My message to meidas touch.
Can we have an extra rule on LLM usage?
I asked Chat GPT what if DOJ finds fraud after J6 but before J20. (TL/DR we're FKD)
We've all figured out by now that the louder & crazier DJT is, the more he's trying to distract from something, right?
I finally tried Chat GPT: "How large of a statistical anomaly in an election result warrants further investigation?"
Genuine Question - Is it over?
2024 Presidential Election was not free and fair.
Kamala will destroy DJT tomorrow by proving the election was rigged.
This data analysis of Iowa is especially interesting because if flipped votes occurred, going from +8 to -8 is a 16 point percentage swing, and that is about how much Ann Selzer's Iowa poll was off by (17%).
Dems are gonna need extra police INSIDE the chamber if they plan moving forward with any of this.
Is Merrick Garland's scheduled listed anywhere?
I told friends a month before the election DJT was up to something, and Harris is A LOT smarter than me.
Do we know if any of the fake electors from 2020 worked this election in suspect precincts?
URGENT: Beware Fake Dems on Here
If the DOJ found anything with EO 13848, why would they drop their pending cases?
Where do we think all the votes went?
Daily Discussion Thread
The Hill has a quick survey regarding Congress keeping the insurrectionist out of office!
How do you fight the overwhelming dread from the by next presidency?
How do we prevent riots or civil war from MAGA if/when Election Interference is announced?
I am the Co-Founder and Executive Director of SMART Elections, a nonpartisan election reform organization, leading research about the 2024 election. AMA!
If the DNI report is as bad as some of think, what will be our first clue?