ELI5 Why HKers are pro Trump?
LIHKG is a sick forum isn’t it?
Mainland tourist on Xiaohongshu complain about waiters in Hong Kong speaking in Cantonese
Have you ever had any struggles in dating as mixed person?
What percentage should one have of an ethnicity in order to claim an identity?
Hong Kongers rate British accents the sexiest, it makes me wonder however does the average HKer know how to differentiate British accents by region and class in the UK?
99.7% White but friends thought I was Latin
Finnair tyrmää Tomi Immosen väitteet [Väitti että heitettiin ulos koska oli Persu]
What Americans think will happen when they visit Poland
Finnairin lento myöhästyi PS:n kansanedustajan häiriköinnin vuoksi: Poliisi poisti koneesta.
Dating other ethnicities and cultures, what are your experiences with feeling connection outside of your own race?
IL: Finnairin lento myöhästyi PS:n kansanedustajan häiriköinnin vuoksi: Poliisi poisti koneesta
Be real, Greenland would be lucky as fuck to be part of America and would benefit greatly
How do Hongkongers see HK diaspora?
Ei lapsi Afrikan tähteä pelatessaan kuvittele olevansa siirtomaaisäntä ryöstöretkellä
Singaporeans in London, do you face lots of subtle racism?
Siellä missä venäjä menee, se jättää jälkeensä katastrofin ja vihan. Välillä olisi hyvä pysähtyä ja miettiä, miks koko maailmaa vihaa sua :/
In 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin promised to bring peace and prosperity to Syria. But all he brought was pain, death and suffering. Now that the Russians have finally left, ordinary Syrians can speak the truth.
Uyghur Genocide
Avoin ksenofobia on sallittua ärsuolessa
Majority of the mixed race black people at my job are loners
Poland confirms Netanyahu will be arrested if he attends Auschwitz memorial in January
HS: Vuoden Lucia on saanut tuhansia rasistisia vihaviestejä
Ahhhh!!!! Shiiiit! Some western guys being so desperate.