I wanted to share this video i took when playing New Dawn
Started 2 months ago and I'm already about to need another shelf 😬
Anyone else wait for the manga go on sale and collect volumes out of order to save money?
My dad and I decided to build me a new bookshelf so I'm planning on collecting more manga
What are the prices of manga in your country?
It took me a long time to get ahold of this one. (No Longer Human Singles)
How do you calculate 18 x 7 in your head?
Changes in the French dialogue: Wanda's breakup scene
What cat could qualify as a princess?
EU frog here. Is it true they make cashier workers stand in U.S. They can't have chairs in america as cashiers ?
If you hate the musical episode, then we ain't friends
What is everyone's absolute favorite book?
I was a hardcore Warriors fan in middle school but haven't read since 2016. AMA and I'll try to remember/guess what happened in the books
What’s the best warriors super editions?
Okay, every cat in the Dark Forest is running at you. The object on your left is what you'll use as a weapon.
How old were you when you started reading the series vs now?
What is your favorite and least favorite book from each arc. Here are mine, arc 1 edition
Has Reiner or Levi suffered more
Online vs physical: what do you think are the best and worst of each?
What are your opinions on Squirrelflight being so upset about Brambleclaw trying to speak with and get along with Hawkfrost?
How is buying manga in your country?
What is your strangest Pokémon that you love for no reason
Stop complaining about being spoiled about TV Shows/Movies on the internet.
Why don’t you want to have kids?