Update on Billie Boom Theory - Tile Manipulation
Tile Manipulation - Billie Boom Theory
Did it strike you as odd that in a Super Bowl show with Dolly Parton we didn’t see any football or singing?
Did Hank really have to stop voicing Apu? It seems like people do that same kind of voice again in other shows today...
DAY 3 - What episode of Family Guy do you think is the funniest?
Best thing Mr Burns has said is “kill the horrid beasts and do away with there lizards”
A relic from a bygone era...
Hey, Mom. Is this how you caught him?
The first treehouse of horror
My top 23 episodes from Season 3-7 from worst to best
What is your favourite Ralph Quote?
Here’s a video testing out the Billie Boom Booster Theory
Who’s an artist that disappeared and you want them to make another song/album?
In your opinion, when did The Simpsons lose its quality?
you want the truth? you cant handle the truth! 'cause when you reach over and put your hand into a pile of goo...
Chief Wiggum has arrested Bart for Hijacking’s Cop Car, took him and arrested him for playing with megaphones, arrested him for breaking into Flanders but arrest him in Bart Star cos he says he’s Nelson 🤨
Match Masters is a rigged Scam game
Would having this account help anyone
Look Big Daddy, it’s regular daddy
It stinks! It stinks! It stinks!
Do you guys have any funny or interesting storie/anecdotes pertaining to the show? Back then I binged watched B99 up to late hours and hear Terry Crews’ voice specifically in my sleep.
This is what they sent me when I told them about algorithm manipulation 😂
Match Masters Mechanics in depth
Game 1 of today
So the only way to get SE Jelly right now is finish a sticker album, which you keep getting duplicates or pay 108 dollars for 10 Cleo’s and 10 SE Jellies in a bundle